We are overjoyed that one of the most important people in our lives was able to meet our little bundle of joy yesterday. Most everyone knows how much Mr. Wilson has shaped Jeff's life. When we married, there was no one else Jeff would have as his best man, and I must say after years of being around these two, I understand why. Mr. Wilson is a man of integrity who Jeff and I are honored to have in our lives.
We are
saddened that Mrs. Wilson passed the very day our little Ty was born, but we know she was looking down and smiling on us. Mr. Wilson told us yesterday that he didn't know if he would be around to see this day, but we are so happy he is. We are so grateful that although Mr. Wilson now battles
Alzheimer's, he was complete alert and present yesterday. Ty absolutely loved meeting Mr. Wilson, and this is a moment we will treasure forever. We look forward to the day that Jeff can relive all the amazing moments he had with Mr. Wilson to Ty.
Thank you to everyone who is a part of our lives. Ty is so lucky to grow up surrounded by people of incredible character and love.