Sunday, January 30, 2011

So big!

Ty is happy, healthy, and growing like a weed. The Bowman house is full of laughter and squeals these days. It's hard to remember the days before Ty because it feels like life began once we had him!
Thank you all for your continued love and support. We are grateful Ty is surrounded by so many amazing people.
Love to you all. XOXO!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

5 Months and More Firsts

Ty is 5 months! Every time I post, I find myself saying how can it already be, and here is another example....where has 5 months gone?!?! Here's Ty on the "big" day with Nona. She braved the snow to keep Ty on Saturday, and help ring in being another month older!
Our little busy body is refining his motor skills he's able to pick up toys, move them from hand to hand, and put them in his mouth (of course, he puts everything in his mouth!). PS-part of the mouth thing is another tooth...who could imagine a third tooth already?!?!

Another something new....rice cereal! Ty had his first "food" last night and did great. Many of you know all the recent tummy issues for little man, but this may be the perfect piece of the puzzle in figuring out a solution.

At about the 3rd spoon full Ty figured out how to "eat." Now he leans in for every bite...he's a little pig!

It was a fun first, and a great look at the messes this kiddo is going to make in the kitchen. There's nothing clean about the way he eats!

A couple of fun notes, he ate his first meal with Beth's silver spoon from when she was a baby (a gift that got me very teary eyed when my mom gave it to me at Ty's baby shower)! He ate out of his first dishes from Christmas (thanks, Santa), and he greatly enjoyed finally getting to use his high chair from Diane Gordon (a wonderful, amazing woman who has been a dear friend, mentor, and supporter).

Lastly, Ty's first trip out to the snow! It lasted maybe 3 minutes, but we caught a couple of quick pictures of him. After all, we had to get some shots of him in this precious little white bear outfit from aunt Lauren and uncle Brent. Thank goodness he was sick or I think Jeff would have taken off with him on the sled...gosh help us next year when it snows.
Stay tuned....we're sure there's more around the corner! Hopefully, all good around the corner!
Love to you all. XOXO!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe 2010 is gone. It's definitely a little sad for us, but we are excited to see what 2011 ushers in. In thinking about the last year, we can't help but reminisce about the event that changed our lives. On January 20, 2010 we got our first glimpse of "baby Bowman", and our lives have never been the same.

2010 was a year full of celebration and anticipation of Ty. Amazing that our little 5lb. 12oz. bundle of joy could impact and change us the way it has. Jeff and I waited so long to expand our little family, and when the time was right a miracle happened.

2010 is a year that will always be celebrated and rejoiced (most especially August 8, 2010), but we know 2011 will hold every bit the joy, excitement, and anticipation as we what Ty grow and develop.
So here's to 2011 and the friends and family who enrich our lives. We are so grateful to everyone who loves us, worries with us, and celebrates with us. We could have never survived the transitions of 2010 without you. May 2011 be the year we are able to pay forward our appreciation and love to you all.
And to Ty Jacob, may 2011 be the year that you begin to understand just how loved you are! We love you to the moon and back!