Our baby boy is 6 months today! We are overjoyed to celebrate half a year with this little guy.....after all, he's the best thing that ever happened to our family!

Our little guy is as happy as can be. He's growing great (we head to the doctor next week, so stay tuned for the exact numbers). He's crawling backwards, sideways, and almost the right way! He's sleeping very consistently 11 hours a night...woohoo! He's eating rice cereal and some yummy veggies (I'll post some pics of me making the baby food{thanks Elizabeth and Faye}). He seems to be enjoying life, and we are so incredibly grateful for that. I think we've all figured out what works...until we start another chapter of changes!

Thanks for keeping up with our growing family. We love getting the texts and emails about the blog. We are always happy to brag about our little guy and it's nice to know everyone else isn't totally over hearing it! We truly love you all. XOXO!