It looks like our blog is getting to be on a monthly update schedule, so here is what the last month looked like!

Ty baby celebrated his first Valentine's Day with some valentines from his aunt Dar and Nona and Poppy (who put a little extra sweet money treat inside!). Think he's spoiled rotten yet?!?!

And many of you know how much we love to stroll at the park with our friends. Here is our little guy on a bright sunny shinny day. Our friends Meriam and Houston were so sweet and gave Ty some cute!

Ty and his buddy Houston!

Ty is in love with motion! He loves cruising in his walker, crawling, hopping...really anything that requires action. He's just like his dad...into everything!

Mama and Ty Jacob enjoying a little cuddle time :) Pretty sure there's nothing any better!

Dada and Ty enjoying being wild. They are a hoot together :) Pretty sure there's nothing Jeff loves more either!

Here's a little peek at the recent updates I've done to Ty's room. We love spending time rocking and reading in his space. It's serene and calming, and a perfect place to spend some quite time.
I thought I posted another pic of the other side of the room, but we'll save that for the next post!

Here's our little guy mid crawl....I love that he stopped to pose for a pic! This was the day he turned the big 7 months!

And, lastly he's really getting into his toys. If it moves or makes noise, this little guy is happy as a clam! Pretty sure there's also nothing better than the sound of him laughing, squealing, giggling, and trying to talk.
Life is joyful, full, and very happy at the moment. Ty Jacob has moved from the 4th percentile in weight/height, etc. to the 50th percentile! As Dr. Lett said, he's realized his growth potential! And everyday we realize how lucky we are to be Ty's parents. We love you to the moon and back son!