Joy and fun and so much happiness when Ty Jacob is in the pool! He made his first visit to a "big" pool on Memorial Day Weekend. He had the best time with Nona, Dar, Lauren, and Megan. We can't wait to do it again!

So many hands had Ty...just in case!!! It really was a perfect first time out!

Right now Ty has two favorite things, his own little remote and Flopsy. When he has those two things, he's the happiest kid in the world. There was no way aunt Lauren could have imaged how much Ty would love Flopsy....we don't really go anywhere without him!

Before we know it, Ty will be on the lake with the boys.....and I will be worrying like crazy!

Oh, how I love this little boy! I feel thankful every single day that I am lucky enough to be Ty's mom. It's amazing that your heart can love so much and so deeply. As I tell him every night when I tuck him in, "I love you to the moon and back." Jeff always says he thinks I love him even more than that....and I think he's right (and I know because he loves this little guy just as much!).

And the sadness...this month began with the loss of a man that has touched our hearts in a way that can never be explained. Mr. Alfred Wilson passed on June 9th, and we are so thankful that he was able to meet Ty Jacob before he took his place in heaven with Mrs. Wilson to watch over us.
When Jeff and I married, Mr. Wilson served as the best man. We will never forget the honor it was to have him right beside of Jeff. We are grateful to have known the Wilsons. Family's are made by the people who support you, teach you, guide you, and love you unconditionally....the Wilson's will always be our family, and we only hope that we can share their legacy with Ty Jacob in a way that would make them proud.
We send love and gratitude to each of you reading this, as you are the people who mean the most to us.