Wow, where to begin with this post. We have had a really rough go of it with Ty over the last week. Ty went for his 8 week check up, and Dr. Lett found 2 items of concern. The first one being a heart murmur and the second one being some bone/growth issues. So we have been at Vanderbilt much more than I would have ever hoped we would be.
After meeting with the cardiologist she found that Ty has a small hole in his heart (this part will require no repairs as about 20% of people have holes in their heart) and an open valve between his lungs and his heart. This part is something that will require action (there is a small chance that it could correct on its own). It's a simple procedure that will happen when Ty is 1 year old. So we are beyond thankful that he doesn't have a major heart condition.
We met with a genetic specialist yesterday and found that Ty has some growth/bone issues. The good news is it is not a major condition like dwarfism, but the bad news is we don't know what it is yet. They did a series of tests in addition to a skeletal survey. We have to wait a week to receive the results, as we are working with very specialized doctors in figuring all this out.
So, as you can imagine we have had a lot of sleepless nights. We just want our baby boy to have the very best life possible. We love him more than anything, and we will do whatever we need to do to give him the very best life we can give him.
We ask that you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we find answers to all these things. We appreciate all the love and support right now. We are beyond lucky to have such amazing friends and family to lean on. We love you all.