I am so thankful that I get to post a much happier post today. We received Ty's 3 page summary from Dr. Hamid at Vanderbilt and everything checked out normal. The skeletal survey came back within the normal range, so we are on cloud nine! We will repeat all the tests at 2 years-just to be safe, but all signs point to a healthy, happy boy. We are so appreciative for all the prayers and thoughts and love that everyone has sent Ty.

In more exciting news, Ty is actively rolling from his tummy to his back on both sides. This kiddo is on the go all the time! He's even standing on his legs with support. Unfortunately, Blogger won't let me upload videos, but I did catch this shot with the camera as he was mid roll!

Lastly, crazily enough, Ty already has one tooth and is working on a second one! He got his first tooth at 9 weeks...yes, 9 weeks! Although this is very rare, it is considered normal....let's just hope I can continue breastfeeding!
Stay tuned for more exciting news. We are super excited to celebrate our first Halloween with Ty. I'll post pics of him in his little pumpkin outfit (courtesy of Nona!).
Yay! Good job Ty. :) He is rolling over and getting a tooth... they grow up too fast! I'm so glad everything checked out well with him too. Thank goodness for answered prayers!