I can't believe we are basically 90 days out from the arrival of this kiddo!!! Wow, has the time flown by.

Here is an updated "belly shot." Several of you have been asking for one and here it is! This is what I look like at 23 weeks. Baby Bowman is about a 1.5 pounds and approximately 13 inches long. Everything is measuring great and checking out on track. We couldn't be more excited!

How adorable is this hat?!?! I can't wait for baby Bowman to wear it. Aunt Lissy (Alissa Hudson) is absolutely spoiling our child. The really funny part of this hat and an adorable outfit is that Alissa bought it before we knew we were having a boy. We both took it as a sign that this kiddo would be a boy!

As many of you know, Jeff and I took a 4 week birthing class. I had to practically drag Jeff to the first class, but by the end even he agreed he was glad we took the class. We had a wonderful instrustor and we feel about as prepared as we could at this point.

And lastly, here is a little peek at some baby furniture. Jeff's friend Richard Dillon surprised us with a custom cradle. We are completely overwhelmed with this generous and meaningful gift. Baby Bowman is one lucky kid!
Stay tuned, there is so much to come! We have a big name reveal coming as well as pictures of the nursery. We just appreciate you guys so much. This has been the most amazing, wonderful, incredible time in our lives, and we can't wait for our lives to totally change. We are so in love with this child. And the part that melts my heart is every night (and Jeff may kill me for telling this), Jeff rubs, kisses, and talks to his son. It is by far the best time in our lives.
You have the best son, husband and i know soon to be father that anyome could ever have I know because I raised him that way and he never disappointed me in any way! I am so proud of you both It has been a long time coming but I Can Not Wait!!!! Love you All