Oh, Ty Jacob, how did you get to be almost 10 months old?!?! Here's what the last month looked like....

Here is our first "kids" birthday party to celebrate Everhett's 1st birthday. There were about a dozen kiddos Ty's age, and it was so cute to watch them all play together.

Ty loved the little girls and I think they loved him back! Lucy in the white kept playing with Ty's hair, and Elsie Kate (in the pink) played with our little man all afternoon! I think we may have had some love connections!

We've been doing a lot of hanging out trying to stay cool.

And how cute is this?!?! Betsy and her girls did this little outfit for Ty when he was born, so Ty could be just like his daddy (as if he wasn't an exact carbon copy already).

And the same day, Ty learned how to go from sitting to standing on his own. He's attempting walking, but he hasn't mastered it yet. He's is "cruising" (holding on to furniture, etc at record speed!), and getting a few bumps and bruises along the way....

Ty has graduated to the big tub and loves it! Bath time is one of our favorite times of the day. And his neon earplugs make quiet the fashion statement!

Ty enjoyed a visit from Larry and Gina (Pa and Ra), and he also got a visit from Debbie (Nana) but I didn't get a picture that day. He had been to the doctor for his 9 month check-up and wasn't feeling great.

My first mother's day was more special than I could have imaged. Jeff and Ty did a great job. Jeff gave Ty my present, and he came running in his walker with it....it's a priceless moment I will never forget. I am so lucky to be honored on a day with so many other great mothers...it makes me even more appreciative that I had such an amazing mom to learn from.

Nona dressed Ty in this outfit on one of the Saturdays she kept Ty and Jeff kept saying he had on a pimp hat! Only Jeff.....
And that rounds out the 9th month with our little man. We love him so much, and we are enjoying all the new joys of having such an active little guy. He has enriched our lives more than he will ever understand. We love you to the moon and back Ty Jacob....it's a privilege to be your parents.
Coming soon....pics of our first visit to the "big" pool!
Love and kisses to you all!
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