Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Our second doctor's visit was today, and I think Baby Bowman is going to be a handful! The heartbeat was 172 and that kiddo was moving all over the place....I told the nurse that our little trouble maker clearly takes after Jeff!

I still feel great, and with the first trimester almost down, I am happy to report that I've only gained 1 pound...whew! (You are only suppose to gain 1-2 lbs your first trimester)

I'll report back soon. Lots of love to everyone!

PS-I know more than 2 people read this blog, so get to voting on the gender of Baby Bowman. It's fun and I'm curious what people think!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading your posts ... it is a great way to stay current on what's going on w/ you =) I think it is a boy just based on the fact that you feel "fabulous" ... everyone I have known that feels good has a boy. BUT whatever this baby turns out to be isn't really that big of a deal b/c you will be a great mom either way!!
